Why is the City embarking on this project?

    In celebration and recognition of WA Bike Month, City officers are asking the public to identify key areas where new bike racks could be installed within the city centre, as well as encouraging more cycling in Fremantle by increasing safe areas to park bicycles.

    In addition, the City’s Customer Request Management (CRM) system consistently receives requests from the public for increased bicycle security infrastructure. 

    City officers also note that there is a distinct lack of bike parking infrastructure in the city centre, and that the public may not be fully aware of how to best ask the City on how to request more bike racks, or how to report existing bike parking that is damaged or unsafe.

    Important community feedback gathered through this engagement will help inform the placement of new bike racks in the centre, with the aim to disrupt bicycle theft and vandalism, declutter inner-city streets and make bike parking more accessible and convenient for riders visiting, working and living in Fremantle.

    Why is the City only focussing on bike racks in the city centre?

    The scope of this project is to identify locations for the installation or replacement of bike parking infrastructure within the city centre due to the high volumes of cyclist traffic and parking that occur at all times of year. In addition, the city centre is prioritised in this instance to encourage visitors, residents and workers to choose to ride in and around Fremantle.

    If there is a high traffic bicycle parking area in your suburb that would benefit from new bike racks, you can get in touch with your local precinct group by contacting the community engagement team at: communityengagement@fremantle.wa.gov.au 

    When will the City engage on a new Bike Plan?

    The existing 2019-2024 Bike Plan is due to expire at the end of the year. City officers are now kicking off a review to understand wins and lessons learned from the current plan, as well as take into account new and changing priorities for cyclists, pedestrians and road users in Fremantle.

    Once complete, the review will then be used as the groundwork for extending, building on or envisioning a new Fremantle City Bike Plan, the scope of which will involve extensive engagement with the community.

    Subscribe to the City of Fremantle Community Engagement e-newsletter for up-to-date information about new projects as they launch by clicking here.

    Will existing bicycle infrastructure be removed?

    Potentially. City officers will use community input to locate areas of bicycle parking that are deemed insufficient, damaged or poorly placed to identify areas of high priority. These older racks may be removed or replaced by the City as deemed necessary.

    What sort of bike racks will the city be installing?

    The following style of bike rack will be installed: 

    When will new bicycle parking be installed?

    City officers will review the community feedback captured through our engagement to help determine the best locations in the city centre. Installation will take place in 2025. 

    For updates on this project, please subscribe to the Community Engagement e-newsletter by clicking here.

    Where do I go to report an issue with city bike infrastructure outside of this project?

    The City of Fremantle's Customer Portal is the best way to report an issue for resolution or investigation. The portal is your best resource for non-community engagement related issues like:

    • Maintenance or management of trees and parks
    • Vehicles and parking.
    • Roads/Drains/Footpaths/Signs.
    • Graffiti.
    • Community Safety.
    • Health/Compliance/Accessibility.
    • Any other issues.

    The Customer Portal allows City staff to track, triage, and close-out requests from the community and ensure that issues get resolved. Click here to view the Customer Portal