Adopted by Committee
The trail concept was adopted by the Finance, Policy, Operations and Legislation Committee (FPOL) Committee at the meeting of Wednesday 9 September 2020. The Committee also received the Community Engagement Report and noted the next steps for the project.
What we heard
We received 237 online submissions and talked to around 60 people at the drop-in information session at Sullivan Hall.
The responses showed a high level of community support for formalising the mountain bike trails and mountain biking here in the future, provided it is family friendly and caters to all ages and skill levels. Many people liked the concept design so limited changes were needed, and specific feedback will be incorporated in detailed design and construction stages.
Please read the engagement report for full details on the suggestions and considerations received.
Next steps
Officers will now progress with seeking funding for the detailed design and construction phase of the project. This includes making grant submissions and preparing a supporting budget proposal for consideration in the annual Council budget process.
The wider area (including potential pump track, parking and other landscaping amenities) will be addressed in the Booyeembara Park landscape plan which is now being prepared using the input we received, and will be open for your feedback soon.
Further information
You can find further information on the City's website:
Report and background information - see the FPOL minutes
Mountain Bike Trail Concept Plan - see agenda attachments or view in the document library on this page
Information on the engagement process - download the Community Engagement Report
Comments have concluded on this project. For more information on the implementation of the Booyeembara Park Landscape Plan (which includes the mountain bike trails) visit the project page by clicking here or visiting: