Priority Planting Areas

Thermal imaging was carried out in January 2015 and has been combined with other data to develop a baseline for the four areas within the City of Fremantle.

From this priority areas will be chosen to ensure equitable distribution of green infrastructure, based on:

1. Residential areas mapped as above the baseline temperature average.

2. Infill planting to create ‘green links’; linking green spaces across the City of Fremantle.

3. Expansive hard stand areas which have the capacity to provide canopy cover and urban greening.

4. Major streetscapes or infrastructure areas with the capacity to provide canopy cover and urban greening.

5. Green spaces that need infill planting or replacement planting to maintain healthy active communities.

6. Native vegetation areas identified as Priority Conservation Action Areas that require infill planting.

7. Linking road, path and underground power works programs.

8. Annual tree planting program.

More information on the first priority areas will be released shortly.
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