What is an urban forest strategy?
An urban forest is the total percentage cover of trees and vegetation above three metres in height in an urban environment, taken as a whole across the public and private realm. An urban forest strategy provides a clear framework to manage, conserve and develop trees and vegetation.
What is urban heat island effect?
Urban heat island effect (UHIE) is caused by heat energy being absorbed into the thermal mass of hard surfaces such as buildings and roads, which is then radiated back into the urban environment. This not only means our cities are becoming hotter, they are also becoming drier. Thermal currents generated by UHIE can force rain clouds away thus further reducing a vital cooling mechanism.
What is sewer mining?
Sewer mining is the process of tapping into a wastewater system (either before or after the wastewater treatment plant) and extracting wastewater, which is then treated and used as recycled water.
How do you define biodiversity?
Biodiversity is the variety of all life forms - the different plants, animals and micro-organisms and the ecosystems of which they are a part.
Which natural areas are within the Fremantle local government boundary?
The City has ten natural reserves under its management, including:
1. Bathers Beach*
2. Port Beach*
3. Leighton Beach*
4. South Beach*
5. Booyeembara Park
6. Cantonment Hill
7. Prawn Bay*
8. Rocky Bay*
9. Swan River Foreshore*
10. Sir Frederick Samson Park
* Part of the regional reserve system and are managed in conjunction with the state government and include management orders and plans.
Whilst not currently under City of Fremantle management, the draft plan identifies Main Roads WA property of Clontarf Hill as a natural space which also forms a link through to South Beach.