What happens to my comments?

    Your comment will be provided to the applicant to allow them to respond to any issues raised and to council, to assist in their decision-making. 

    A summary of your comment may be included in publicly available council and planning committee reports. Personal details such as names, telephone numbers and addresses will be removed.

    Can I attend the Planning Committee meeting?

    Planning Committee meetings are open to the public, so any interested person can attend. The meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month at 6.00 pm at North Fremantle Community Hall - 2 Thompson Road, North Fremantle.

    Question time is held at the beginning of the meeting to allow members of the public to address the committee. If you would like to do this, you'll need to register - find out how on the council meetings page

    Agendas and minutes of the planning committee meetings are available here.